Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Panda Writes Check His Ass Can't Cash

A drunken migrant worker in China has reportedly bitten a panda in the Beijing Zoo. According to Reuters, Zhang Xinyan decided, in a drunken stupor, that it would be fun to touch the panda. The panda, startled, bit the man on the leg, to which his gut reaction was to kick and bite the panda in return. Talk about the code of Hammurabi gone sorely awry!

According the the article, Xinyan allegedly said that he had seen pandas on television and “they seemed to get along well with people. No one ever said they would bite people.” Ummm, hello? It's a frigging panda, that should be enough of a clue for you. Is it just me, or are people getting way more stupid on a much larger level these days?

This picture of Nick Nolte's mug shot has nothing to do with this story. I just thought he kinda looked like a drunken migrant worker. And just crazy enough to bite a panda in retaliation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick Nolte bit me once. His saliva causes potentially lethal infection, sorta like a komodo dragon's. He could be a subspecies of some sort. Do you think you could investigate?


6:26 AM  

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