Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A New Chapter in the Baldwin Saga: This Won't End Well...

Aunt Tilly brought us the news last week that Stephen Baldwin wants to save Tom Cruise. Now, Alec Baldwin is speaking out to "leave Tom Cruise alone." In an interview for GQ magazine, Alec is quoted as saying that,

"No one has played by the rules better, for longer, than Tom. All I know is I don't see people who are disciples of Tom's faith driving planes into the World Trade Center. When Scientologists start crashing planes into the Pentagon, then I think we should sit Tom down and have a grand jury talk to him. In the meantime, let's just leave him alone."

Wow, I think Alec might have just thrown the gauntlet. I can predict this becoming an all-out war between the Baldwins. Whose side will Daniel take? Will the battle ground be the mean streets of Massapequa? I have a funny feeling William will stay Swiss. He is married to Chynna Phillips after all.

I would be careful, Stephen Baldwin. With Tom Cruise's thetan-wielding power combined with Alec's Long Island affinity (we all know what comes out of Long Island. I am looking at you, Amy Fisher), you might want to go hide in a bunker somewhere. Or pray to Jebus a whole lot. Wonder Twin powers, activate!

I have utter faith that this is just the beginning. Stay tuned...


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