Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Best of Braff

Imagine Aunt Bunny's joy last night when she opened up her mailbox to find the latest edition of Interview magazine, only to open it and find a three-page spread of ZB! And Kevin Smith, possibly my other pick for all-time movie genius, was the interviewer. Kevin asked ZB the all-important question, about how ZB handles women throwing themselves at him because he is famous; to which ZB responded thusly:

"I'll give you a similar answer and say that obviously it's flattering, but you don't want to be with the kind of girl who wants to bone you just because you're
famous to whatever degree."

ZB, if you are out there, first of all: thank you for using the word "bone." I haven't heard that in ages, and it made me laugh for hours. Second of all, I am not one of those girls. Do I want to bone you: ehh, yeah... but not on the first date. Do I want to because you are famous: NO. Just because you are you, and adorable, and smart, and funny, and I could go on, but I think I hear the sound of all of our (three or so) readers retching in the distance. They just don't understand our love!


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