Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Best of Braff: Finally, Someone Agrees With Me!

I read this article today, from Janice Page and the Boston Globe. Here's a quick excerpt:

So how adorable is Zach Braff?
This adorable:
I'm sitting in the hallway of a swanky Boston hotel when an elevator opens and out steps the tousle-haired Scrubs star, carrying a box of Dunkin' Donuts atop his fingertips as if it's a silver-domed tray.
"Want one?" he offers sweetly as he passes, lifting the cover on an especially gooey-looking assortment. I joke that I'll need to enshrine the doughnut rather than eat it, because of its brush with celebrity. "Take two," he says helpfully, despite the fact that we haven't yet even been introduced.

Thank you, Janice Page, for echoing the sentiments I try to expound upon on a daily basis.

And thank you, ZB for being so adorable on a daily basis. My trusty spoon appreciates all you do.


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