Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Best of Braff

I don't have much to say about ZB today. He has been a busy boy these days, out schtumping for his newest movie The Last Kiss (which, by the way, opens in approximately three days and I cannot wait to see). On one such promotional press junket ("You like that? Press junket. It's improv bitch, you can use it." - Garden State) with the Today Show, Ann Curry calls him Jack Braff. Ha. ZB looks so uncomfortable for the rest of the interview, and then Ann Curry tries to make up for it up saying his name, "Zach," with a ton of emphasis and really loudly. Because that always makes up for calling someone the wrong name on national television.

To watch the interview, click here. Ann's mistake is in the first few seconds of the feed.

For your (ok, mostly my own) enjoyment, here is a picture of ZB looking adorable as usual. I am off to find my trusty spoon.


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