Monday, September 11, 2006

Lanced!: Eva Longoria
Okay, I admit it, I've never watched Desperate Housewives. But I know enough about it to know the characters and whatnot, and I certainly know that Eva Longoria appears, on average, on thirty-two magazine covers every month. She's tiny and cute and sultry and sexy and many other adjectives.

Until you see her without makeup!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I thought I was the only unfortunate one who transformed into an ill-faced creature without the heavenly creation we call make-up. ELo has now, although I hate to admit, dropped into a different category of celebrities as we know it; the D-List. As my girl Kathy Griffin, “calls herself the queen of “the D-list,” a phrase she claims to have coined, presumably to create a circle of celebrity hell even lower than those previously charted,” we welcome those who do not wear make-up in the requiem of Hollywood. I love that ELo has now transformed into a more normal (if you will) position in the world of TV, showing her true color (or lack their of) without a personal pump of the make-up spray gun, and for this I say; “D-List Prevails!”

4:05 PM  

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