Monday, September 11, 2006

I'm Pretty Sure Mischa Barton's Un-Sure...
So everyone was all up-in-arms (No pun intended. Or is it?) about Mischa Barton's dress that looks like a Pretty, Pretty Princess costume-jewelry factory threw up on it. I am way more concerned about the horrible sweaty pit stains that Mischa brought along as her date (instead of her usual sweaty pit stain of a date, Cisco Adler). Man, this dress must be all polyester. Mischa, darling, next time wear a dress made of a fabric that breathes. Maybe one that is made of natural fibers as well. I've heard that cotton is the fabric of our lives. You should check into that...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear Mischa, I see that yet another celebrity in Hollywood has shown true colors of a human being. But girlfriend, why would you put your body through this? First off, maybe I am wrong when I make assumptions, but I thought after the Paris ‘glitter’ phone was overpopulated, ‘be-dazzling’ anything, including things such as, earrings, jeans, flip flops, PHONES, hand bags….dress collars was a big ‘no-no’ in public. Secondly, I understand that your stylist clearly does NOT have their head on their shoulders to possibly suggest such a hideous dress, but to go into your ‘craft’ room you clearly have in the attic of your mansion to use the infomercial be-dazzler is just crossing the line. And girl, you’re PITS!! Have you heard of drysol? It works wonders for the sweaty BO pits that we all have, but are courteous enough to tuck away in public. Mischa, FIRE YOUR STYLIST and hire a dermatologist!

9:36 AM  

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