Monday, September 11, 2006

Do Something Already!
Nothing's going on today. Okay, so LiLo went out without a bra on, and Colin Farrell got pulled over, but really, no one in celebdom has done anything really noteworthy today. Look how shocked my friend Wentworth Miller is about this situation! Or maybe he just saw LiLo in that gauzy black dress thing. Either way, do I really need an excuse to post a picture of Wenty? No, I don't. He'll be on the run from Fox River (and that deliciously evil William "Call Me Bill Now" Fitchner) on Prison Break tonight, so tune in. And then run out and do something interesting. I'm talking to you, Young Hollywood!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ode to Wenty:

As I saw your beautiful face walk abruptly into the Chinese Buffet, I knew I was staring into the eyes of a ‘hot, gorgeous man’ with little to do in the off-season. The way you wore your scarf was enough to make a girl blush; so tightly woven into a thin (although feminine) braided scarf, draped over your broad shoulders, carrying the book you had hoped to dive into during dinner. As you scanned the room with your stare, each person seemed to ignore the excitement of your presence, except for two young American girls in the center. Our glare was deadly, our whispers not so much, it was evident that only minutes will pass until we pounced. The moment of truth, we quickly approached, dodging Europeans without a care in the world, and ah…..speechless. There you were, eyes brightened with annoyance; you have been spotted. I would have whipped out an inappropriate body part for a signature, but saw a placemat much more reasonable for the buffet crowd. You spoke, I drooled. Priceless.

4:22 PM  

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