Thursday, September 14, 2006

Is Alan Funt Around?
For those of you who are too young to remember anything pre-O.C., Alan Funt was the man behind Candid Camera, a show that set up elaborate pranks and then filmed people's reactions to them. It was cutting edge at the time, people.

I'm convinced that this story is a plant by Alan Funt's people. I mean, it can't be true that Rachel Bilson is going to be Wonder Woman, can it? She's cute, sure, and she's got long dark hair. But that's where the similarities end. Wonder Woman should be tall (at least 6' 5"), statuesque (think Julie Newmar), and intimidating (like Hilary Clinton, only hot). Do any of these adjectives fit Ms. Bilson? No. When you think of Rachel, the top three adjectives that come to your mind are pixie, waif, and, probably, Adam Brody.If Lynda Carter was dead, she'd be rolling over in her grave.


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