Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Classic Lanced!: Ernest Borgnine
I'm taking bets, right here and now, that Snarky All Day is the first celeblog to showcase Mr. Borgnine. Unless those snarktastic girls at Go Fug Yourself have captured him in all his polyester glory...

Look at this man. No, c'mon, really look. It's just a picture; it can't hurt you. Think about the fact that he's won awards, and is very famous (really, kids, I'm not making this up). Now think about Brad Pitt. And George Clooney. Think Johnny Depp. And now get down on your knees and thank whoever it is you worship that you are not from the generation when this was the face on the cover of Tiger Beat.

(For those of you too young to know, this picture is from The Poseidon Adventure. The real one, from 1972. Not the craptastic Kurt Russell version.)

Update: A kind reader pointed out that this picture is actually from Escape from New York. Thanks for the correction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not one to complain when someone takes artistic license in the hopes of being funny, but....

a) Mr. Borgnine was never on the cover of any teen magazine, because, yes, I am unforttunately old enough to know.
b) That picture is from Escape from New York (ironically, a Kurt Russell film).


5:44 AM  
Blogger bethiesny said...

Thanks for the comment. I actually wondered about the veracity of the picture, but went with the source.

As for the teen magazine part... um, that would be a joke. Thanks for playing.

10:28 PM  

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