Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dinner with the Baldwins
So, according to this article, Stephen Baldwin (shown here with oldest brother Alec) wants to save Tom Cruise. In a Christian-y way. In case you didn't know, Stephen is now a born-again Christian who skateboards for Jesus. Or something like that. It's all about God for the littlest Baldwin, with a little support for the current Bush president thrown in for good measure. And of course Alec is a raving liberal Democrat who despises Bush. Which leads Aunt Tilly to wonder: What are dinners like at the Baldwin house these days? When Baldwin Mom Carol calls her brood to the table, what kinds of conversations do they have? It probably goes something like this:

Alec: What the Bush administration is doing to this country is an outrage!
Stephen: Didn't you say you were gonna move to Europe if W was re-elected?
Alec: I was misquoted. Why don't you go skateboard for Jesus or something?
William: Pass the potatoes.
Stephen: I'll say grace! Let us pray.
Alec: Watch 30 Rock! NBC this fall! Wednesday nights! 8 eastern!
Daniel (via telephone): Can someone post bail for me?


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