Thursday, September 14, 2006

When Good Headlines Go Bad
I was completely intrigued by this headline, complete with a Moscow byline, on CNN: "Lawmaker wants to shoot Madonna into space." How swell! Finally, a lawmaker not afraid to pull out the big guns and just admit that all of Catholicdom is sick and tired of her Madonna on the Cross with a Crown of Thorns routine. (Not that I have a problem with it. I totally loved that "Like a Prayer" video.) Alas, the article turned out to be a silly story about how the lawmaker wants her to be a space tourist on a Russian shuttle. You know, if this was a headline on The Onion, they wouldn't have let me down like this. Stupid CNN. To make up for this disappointment, I offer you this picture of divine Miss M, which could easily be mistaken for a yearbook photo. Can't you see it, in the Faculty section? Madonna Ciccone-Ritchie, Music & Drama Department.


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