Friday, September 22, 2006

The Hoff Has Gone Bat Sh*t Crazy

Apparently, every celebrity is going crazy these days! The latest: David Hasselhoff is INSANE. He has not only created David Hasselhoff: The Musical, he recently said, about the show, that “We are going to have a baby being born on stage and we’re going to toss it into the audience.” Whaaaaaa? As if a musical about the Hoff were not crazy enough, now he wants to simulate birth and throw the pretend newborn at the audience?

How much are tickets? I'll take two. This is going to be priceless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bunny - you must leave David alone! As a respectable German conservative there is no better example of genius than David Hasselhoff. Perhaps if you spent less time on belittling truly talented people as you so often do, your life might be enriched by such a great performer.

11:43 AM  

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