Friday, September 22, 2006

Jared Leto, WTF?

Seriously, JL, you have just become a thorn in my side. You are ruining an entire generation's teenage fantasies, you do realize this, right? You have ruined Jordan Catalano for me. My So-Called Life was my favorite show (for the one season it was on, damn you ABC!) and Jordan Catalano was sooo dreamy. I think every girl that was a teenager at that time had a Jordan Catalano in their life (I know I did; his name was Lee and I thought he was dreamy, too). And now, look at you. The bad dye-job black hair. The black eyeliner. The tight black pants and silver Crocs. Let it go, JL. You are not impressing anyone with your pseudo-Gothness. Not even 14 year old girls. And as for a woman who was once a 14 year old girl who was impressed with you, that should tell you something. Go buy some Ponds Cold Cream and a box of brown hair dye, and give us all back the Jared Leto that we knew and loved. Or else go away, because, honestly, you are frightening!


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