Friday, September 22, 2006

Sometimes, It's Just Too Much For a Girl to Handle

From the "Oh my god, TMI!" files, I found this very, very disturbing quote from the 69 year old Jack Nicholson in this month's Rolling Stone. In the interview, Ja-Nic divulged way too much info about his sex life, including but not limited to: "talking about his dating habits (he can't remember the word "monogamous"), his lack of protection (he claims to have never bought a condom) and his sexual partners (he says they have ranged in age from 21 to 69 in the last year)." Ewwwww.

Thanks do not go to for making me see this article. I have to go wash my brain out with hydrogen peroxide now, or else I might not get this mental image out. Shudder.


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