Friday, September 22, 2006

Quick, Send Some Money to this Man!

Have you heard the stories about how Michael Jackson is supposedly interested in opening up a Leprechaun-themed amusement park in Ireland? Don't worry, I'm not going to make some low-brow Irish jokes. The truly disturbing part of this story is that his dream project will cost around $635 million dollars. Maybe I've been out of the MJ loop for too long, but isn't this guy broke?

Oh, maybe he's just broke in Hollywood terms, not real world terms. For example, if I was broke, that would mean that my checking account had a negative balance and I was distressed when I heard that Wal-Mart was phasing out its lay-away plan. But for Michael, broke might mean he only has the gross domestic product of Uruguay* in his checking account. Poor guy. We should start a fund.

*Around $14 billion.


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