Monday, September 25, 2006

The Best of Braff

I saw The Last Kiss this weekend. It made me angry, and it really made me hate men. I guess if how you feel after you leave a movie is the gauge of how well it worked on screen, then it was pretty damn good. Was it a good movie? Ehhh, I am on the fence about that (but it is not due to ZB, only the character he plays). Would I want to see it over and over? Probably not, because I don't want to spend my life in perpetual states of anger and depression. But ZB was a convincing asshole, so, job well done.

To make myself feel better about it, here is ZB looking cute. I still heart you, ZB, because I know that it was a character, and not you, that I hated.

(Oh, and, I hate Rachel Bilson even more now. Great job portraying everything I hate about women. Kudos to you, Ra-Bils, for reminding me that women are catty, catty biotches.)


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