Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Baldwins: Are They The New Jacksons?

I am very concerned about the Baldwins. They seem to be, as family, getting crazier. Except For William. He escaped it somehow. Maybe because he married Chynna Phillips, and somewhere in the great rock-and-roll heaven in the sky, Mama Cass is eating a sandwich and watching over him. And he needs it. Because right now, the Baldwins are like a bowlful of crazy.

Aunt Tilly and I have been bringing you the dirt about Alec and Stephen, and their disparate ideas on Tom Cruise. And we all knowDaniel is just a trainwreck. But, now, Alec might have outdone his other two brothers when it comes to being creepy and inappropriate.

In that same article from GQ where Alec said to "leave Tom alone," he also allegedly said horrible things about his ex-wife, Kim Basinger's, lawyer. Alec supposedly calls Judy Bogen, Kim's lawyer, a "300-pound homunculus whose face looks like a cross between a bulldog and a clenched fist. She's this hideously angry-looking woman. She'd snarl and hiss."

Does anyone else find this really disturbing? I know that divorce can get nasty and mean, but Alec just sounds crazy. Like Michael Jackson crazy. Guess that makes Stephen Tito. Or is Daniel Tito? Or Jermaine? I can't keep this all straight. The Baldwins are losing it. We'll keep you posted on all the ensuing crazy.

(Thanks to for the quote and the picture. That's Judy Bogen on the left and Alec on the right, in case you were confused.)


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