Thursday, September 21, 2006

Something to Drool Over

Jake Gyllenhaal is hot. I just wanted to share this picture of Jake looking hot. Because he is. And I need a little something to pick me up today. If only I could get the real Jake to pick me up... And carry me away...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I speak for the masses when I say that between this guy and Braff, the world has had their fill of your posting photographs of closeted homosexuals. Maybe you should crown the day's stories with a hi-res Tom Cruise?

10:35 AM  
Blogger Linds said...

Ok, anonymous, if this was the case, then I guess I would be posting a picture of you tomorrow. Except that, while you probably are a closeted homosexual, you are not hot. Oh well. C'est la vie, anon.!
Oh, andZB is not one of the gays; I'm not entirely sure about Jakey.

11:58 AM  

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