Monday, September 18, 2006

The Best of Braff
BK is back and in the house, kids! Much thanks to Aunt Tilly for her BoB post on Friday. It was wonderful to see the lovely ZB when I checked in later that night.

Today's BoB post is an official plug for many of the things going on in the ZB world (and mine).

  • I have not yet seen The Last Kiss (sigh) but will be going this week (probably numerous times, and then anxiously awaiting the DVD release). It made 4.7 million this weekend. C'mon folks, go see it! ZB needs to make millions, so that when we meet and get married I can quit my job and live off of his bank accounts. Wait, no! See it twice! Momma needs a new pair of shoes (or 52, I am the new Imelda Marcos)!
  • Today marks the start of Scrubs in syndication on Comedy Central. The channel that brings you the news from our Presidential nominee will start airing back-to-back episodes every night of the week at 7 and 7:30. Comedy Central is my new favorite channel. Mmmm, 5 hours of guaranteed ZB a week. My nights are officially booked. Looks like I will no longer have to watch re-runs of Dawson's Creek on Noggin. Yeah, I'm a big nerd, so what!?

I had a dream the other night that I met ZB. In honor of that dream, and the launching of Scrubs re-runs tonight, this picture of ZB I have entitled "My Dream Come True" because it would be. There are so many ZBs! All in one place!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pontificating about the "Best of Braff" is akin to searching for the silver lining after some sort of natural disaster or global crisis. Sure there may be less devastating aspects, but bottom line, can we really seek positives among all the suffering?

8:29 PM  
Blogger Linds said...

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9:32 AM  
Blogger Linds said...

Hmm, I would rather pontificate about ZB than, say, the small chance the Josta might ever return again. We all have our thing, right? To quote a line written by ZB, from Garden State, "Don't tease me about my hobbies, I don't tease you about being an asshole." I think that applies here quite fittingly, don't you, dear poster?

9:37 AM  

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