Wednesday, October 25, 2006

WTF? Michael J. Fox Deserves a Medal, or Rush Limbaugh is a Douchebag

I can't believe what an incredibly large douchebag Rush Limbaugh is. Limbaugh is saying that, in recent commercials backing Benjamin L. Cardin for Maryland Senator, Michael J Fox's Parkinson's Disease symptoms were so exaggerated because he had purposely gone off his medication for the day or was acting. Whaaaaa?! Whether or not MJF is stumping for a political candidate or not, that is no reason for Rush Limbaugh to be so, well, Rush Limbaugh. MJF is stumping for a good cause. He is backing a candidate that is supporting something that he believes in. That's a good thing. Right?

Oh wait, I forgot. This is America. We only back candidates because they say things that they might do (if the money's good enough), are a former politician's silver-spoon bred child, or are the lesser of two evils in a partisan party-only race. That didn't sound too jaded and cynical, did it?

Sorry, Aunt B is distracted now, thinking of how easy it would be to become a resident of Canada...


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