Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Celebrities Aren't Normal, So How Can We Expect Them to Find Paranormals?

Howdy kids! Aunt B has been gone for a few days, but she's back and raring to go! And what did she come home to Sunday night, but the Celebrity Paranormal Project on VH1! Mind you, I have not yet watched the premiere episode, but Aunt T did and she told me alllll about it, which has made me all the more excited to watch it.

Get this: a bunch of d-list celebs go to a haunted sanatorium to see if they can rustle up some ghosts, and it is all caught on tape! I haven't had this much fun watching people be scared since MTV had that show called Fear. That was an excellent show... but I digress. The two key players for me on this show are Gary Busey, who is scary enough on his own, and Hal Sparks, who I looooove. He is the cutest thing ever. I would like to put him in my pocket. He might actually fit in there, too. So, check it out when you get a chance... it's on Sunday nights at 10 p.m. I can't wait to watch it every week and see those d-listers get the living shite scared out of them.


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