Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So, Does This Make George McGay?

Apparently, T.R Knight, a.k.a George O'Malley on Grey's Anatomy, has come out of the closet and has been seen shopping for "furniture and electronics" with fellow TV star Luke MacFarlane (oh, yeah, they are sooo gay if they were shopping for furniture and electronics together. That's a dead giveaway. The only thing that would make it gayer would be if they were shopping at an IKEA. Which reminds me that I should call up my best gay so we can make a trip there soon...).

Which makes me ask: When did T.R. Knight become gay? Why didn't my gaydar go off on him? I guess he always just seemed, well, sort of asexual. Neither. Ambiguous. Indifferent. I don't know why. He just doesn't strike me as overtly gay. Who knew?

To make this story juicier (was it juicy to begin with? He was just shopping with a dude) the Burke-McDreamy fight on the set of Grey's recently might be because Patrick Dempsey was defending T.R. from an anti-gay comment made by Isaiah Washington. And that now, Burke might be off the show! For real? All over T.R. Knight? Come on, he's not even that good looking, especially since he started wearing that dorky side-part in his hair! He's not worth fighting over, boys!

Which makes me also ask: Does this make George McGay?


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