Thursday, October 19, 2006

Is It Just Me?
Everyone's abuzz about Madonna adopting li'l David from Africa. I won't make any assumptions as to whether or not she circumvented any laws or whatnot. But if she is so excited about being a mom and giving this kid a shot at a better life, how come she sent some random woman to pick him up? I know, she would have been swarmed at the airport, but c'mon, can't we all admit that Madge won't be the one actually raising this kid? David will be brought up by nannies and assistants just like every other celebrat.* Feh.

*Notable exceptions: Brit-Brit and SPF 1 & 2, and Violet Affleck. Those parents seem super involved, and good for them. I'm not a big Britney fan, but I knew Jennifer Garner would never let me down!


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