Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Some People Should Just Never, Ever Procreate

It was scary enough that Eddie Murphy and "Scary Spice" Melanie B. were dating, but now she's preggers? With Eddie's child? Mind you, Eddie has numerous children already (I think 6 is the magic number) with former baby mommas. And now he went and knocked up Scary Spice. Frightening.

Someone really ought to give E.M. a lesson in prophylactic use. I learned in Sex Ed classes in high school, so maybe Eddie should give me a call. I will glady teach him how to put a condom on a banana and send him on his way to try it out himself. Although, something makes me think that he would continue to put it on the banana instead of himself, thus rendering more scary females pregnant with his progeny.

Again.... frightening.


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