Friday, October 20, 2006

Gag Me with a $35 Bottle of Water
Some genius has decided to sell bottled water called Bling H2O with some Swarovski crystals slapped on the front.... for $35 a bottle. And of course celebutards are buying it. I can't decide if I want to give the creator of this product a medal for his genius, or a swift kick in the junk for catering to the stupidity of Paris and her like. And as for Paris? You just know she'd have to take the moronity (is that a word? It should be.) to the next level: She buys this water for her dog.

To make you even more sick, here's a picture of Paris with an enormous wad of cash. (Yes, it's really her. Check out In Case You Didn't Know for more pics.) I don't suppose that under that $100 are a bunch of ones? No? My grandpa always does that.


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