Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Don't Care if Tom Cruise Brainwashed You and Forced You to Wear Them OR Katie Holmes and the Entire Universe Should NOT Wear Skinny Jeans... EVER

Here's TomKat at the latest Cruise progeny soccer match. I don't know which non-biological child was participating, nor do I really care anymore.

What I do care about is Katie's awful outfit. I know she is all svelte now that Tom is treating her like a Navy Seal in order to get her "fit" for their wedding (i.e. down to his fighting weight). But please, don't weat those ugly skinny jeans that have no where else to go, so they end up bunching at the ankles. And don't wear them with a shirt that rides up to show us your newly minted stretch marks. And certainly don't wear them with fugly-beyond-all-belief ballet flats.

That's just my two cents.


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