Thursday, November 02, 2006

WTF?! Lindsay Lohan Can Hide Behind a Piece of Pizza?

When I first saw these pics, I was first baffled. And then I began to laugh hysterically when I looked a little closer. Here's LiLo, leaving Paris Hilton's house the other morning... on a side note, when did having sleepovers when you are a grown adult become acceptable and chic? Do they have pillow fights? Are there makeovers involved? Because they could all use a real makeover.

I digress.

Anyway, LiLo, upon leaving, felt it necessary to shield herself from the paparazzi with the biggest and nearest object she could find... which just happened to be an old pizza box from the garbage. Which has a piece of pizza hanging from the bottom!! Hilarious!

The only thing that would have made this funnier to me would be if, once she got to her car, if she took that piece of pizza and took a huge honkin' bite out of it. But we all know then she would have to go home and throw it up... too many calories, and not an ounce of liquor.


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