Monday, November 20, 2006

We're Here, We're Queer, We're.... Doogie Howser and His Boyfriend?

Hello, snarky fans. Aunt T and I are baaaack. After a much needed hiatus (and not to mention lots of work to do... when are we going to start getting paid to be snarky and blow this popsicle stand? Yes, we work at a popsicle stand), we are back in action.

Now, I know this is a pretty much old news, but... when did Neil Patrick Harris become gay? Is gay the new Scientology? Are there incentives for recruitment, like in Mary Kay? Did Elton John get a pink Cadillac for recruiting all these fresh new gay starlets? I am so confused. I never heard anything about NPH's sexuality, let alone that he was gay. So, seeing him out (and I mean OUT) with his boy toy du jour is completely shocking to my system. It just seems so... odd.

What would Doogie do if he were in my place? Well, I have to assume that Vinnie would come over, Doogie would say something snide and sarcastic about Vinnie's poor fashion sense, and then he would write something inspiring and witty in his diary.

Holy crap, Doogie was gay too!!!


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