Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Drunksgiving!

So, Lindsay Lohan managed to get herself into her fourth car accident in 18 months... and this time, it was with a cop car in London. Way to go, LiLo. You've managed to surpass only the great Leif Garrett when it comes to driving-related misdemeanors.

But that's not the worst part. The original post I learned of this information from had this photo attached to it (thanks Vera!), and we need to dissect the many things that are wrong with LiLo:

1. She looks sooo stoned and/or drunk, that I am surprised she is even still walking.

2. One word (with two syllables for extra emphasis) about that hair: faaa-aaake.

3. Is it just me, or is there a lot of skin showing between her chin and the top of that shirt? I don't know about you, but the last time I checked there are these things called boobs that generally (generally) hang out in that particular area. With that much space between the two, the girls have to be showing somewhere! There is just no possible way that the shirt is covering anything at this point.... unless: is LiLo really a man? She does look a little drag-queenish.

Hope you have a happy drunksgiving, LiLo. I cannot wait to hear all the gossip out of Hollywood come Monday morning. I have a feeling that somehow, it will involve LiLo, her car, and an unfortunate accident with the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. Here's to hoping...


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