Monday, November 20, 2006

The Best of Braff

You know, I still heart ZB. He has just been off the radar for awhile, so there was nothing to gossip about. And I won't even mention the horrible flash-in-the-pan rumor about ZB dating Jessica Biel... oh, wait, I just did. But that was (thankfully) just a rumor. ZB is still available to date yours truly.

But, as a reminder... Scrubs returns next Thursday, 11/30 at 9 p.m. EST. Watch it... it could still possibly be the last season with ZB, especially once he meets me and we run away to China to adopt eighteen children and work as ambassadors in some poor, small village. Like Brangelina, only everyone will call us Braffunny, and we will be way cooler.

Anyway... Back to the matter at hand: ZB. Scrubs. Thursdays. 9 p.m.


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