Monday, October 30, 2006

Cute Celebrities Acting, Well, CUTE, Make Me Happy on a Monday

I heart Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet!! They are two of my favorite actors, because they are not phony or full of themselves, and are both insanely attractive. Oh, and they can actually act. I am infinitely jealous of Kate Winslet and her lovely British accent and slightly plumper figure. To me, she is the epitome of gorgeous. And, oh yeah, Hugh isn't too hard on the eyes either.

Here they are promoting their newest gig, FLushed Away, for which they added their voice talent. At the premiere, there was apparently a big slide to simulate beign flushed away. So, here is a pic of them sliding down together... which is just too damn cute for words. I love people who aren't afraid to have fun and act goofy every once in a while. It's better than therapy, I swear.


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